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So your little one will be starting school this autumn? This is an exciting moment in their lives – an important milestone that you will treasure forever. They are starting their learning career, one that will take them on many adventures and teach them many things. When your child starts their first year of school in the autumn, what types of things will they be learning? Many parents like to know what their children are going to learn in school...
Scotland is a country whose heritage, culture and landscape has been shaped by its relationship with the sea that surrounds it. Scotland is, by nature, a coastal country. For most Scots, the sea is only ever a few miles away. Wherever in the country you happen to be, the sea is never more than forty miles away. Their influence on Scottish landscape The Scottish landscape is among the most geologically varied in the world. It is home to a huge...
Bowls is a game that has been around in one form or another, for the best part of a thousand years. It is so old, in fact, that it was outlawed by several monarchs for reasons of national security – too many people were spending their leisure time bowling and as a result the nation’s supply of skilled archers began to rapidly dwindle. Playing bowls is part of our national heritage. Today, we are mercifully unencumbered by such concerns and...