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20 Nov
If you love books, and you will certainly not be alone in this, then what could be better than a whole week devoted entirely to all things book related? Whatever type of books you love to read, fiction or non-fiction, whatever your preferred genre and wherever you love to read your books if you live in Scotland then make sure you put a note in your diary because Book Week in Scotland will be taking place from Monday 27th November to Sunday 3rd December and it is one book celebration you do not want to miss.
When did it begin?
Scottish book week was launched in 2012 and is now in its 6th year. It is an annual celebration of books, authors and reading that is aimed at people of all ages and from all walks of life; it takes place for a full week during the autumn. Each year Book Week follows a theme and this year the theme is Nourish. The event is supported by the Scottish Book Trust, a charity who support literature, reading and writing in Scotland.
There will be a very packed programme of events running during the week in libraries, school community locations and even in the workplace; a celebration which will include Scottish authors, poets, playwrights, storytellers and illustrators.
A Reading Lunch
If you belong to a book group then why not organise a reading lunch, it’s the perfect way to add a little bit more reading to your normal day and socialise at the same time. Scottish Book Week are organising their reading lunch on 30th November, St Andrews Day; the perfect time to celebrate Scottish authors.
If you don’t belong to a book group then why not get a group of colleagues or friends together on the day and hold your own reading lunch? Alternatively, you could check out your local library - they might be aware of reading lunches going on in your local area.
Don’t Forget to Vote
As part of Book Week Scotland don’t forget to vote for your favourite song that is based on a book, short story or even a poem; If you want to, listen to the 40 songs on the shortlist they can be found on the Book Week Scotland website, together with the criteria that were used to make the shortlist. You can vote for as many songs as you like but remember voting closes on 28th November at 5pm. The results will be revealed during Book Week.
There are hundreds of events being organised all over Scotland that cover every aspect of books and reading and with something on every day you might just find yourself struggling to choose which events you want to check out.
Many of the events taking place are free, and there are plenty that are suitable for families and children of all ages, from storytelling to book fairs, and exhibitions to spoken word performances of stories, dramas and even poetry.
All of the events follow the theme of Nourish so this is the perfect opportunity to learn all about First Footing with Lea Taylor’s family storytelling workshop at Newton grange on 3rd December, or take part in A Literary Tapas which will combine poetry reading on the subject of food together with cookery demonstrations. This will take place at Gatehouse of Fleet on Saturday 2nd December.
These are just a very small selection of the incredible events that have been organised all over Scotland, a full list can be found on the website, and if you are looking for something in particular, whether it’s for a particular audience or a location near to you there are plenty of filters to help you find the perfect events to help you celebrate Book Week in Scotland.
There are plenty of ways in which schools are taking part in Book Week in Scotland. Primary 1 children will receive a family bag which contains a book and helpful resources to promote reading in the home; these are provided by Scottish Book Trust and create a great way to get children really interested in reading, after all who doesn’t love a nice new book.
There are also plenty of events organised in schools like Nourish School Stories, which saw both primary and secondary aged school children writing food stories and then submitting them online. All of the stories can be viewed on the Book Week website, this is a great way to get children really involved in storytelling which is a key building block to both reading and writing.
If you want to do more reading with your children, then Book Week makes a great time to start and there are lists of book suggestions on the website as well.
Book Sales
One important thing you should do during Book Week is of course treat yourself to that new book you have been meaning to buy, or if there are several books why not buy them all, after all what would book week be without something new to read! Even local booksellers are getting in on the festivities of the week so have a look and see which ones are holding events or have special offers available during the week.
There will also be plenty of organised book sales, and book swishes, going on so if you love books and fancy having a browse to pick up some new, to you, reading material then why not pop along to one. The best thing about buying from one of these events is that all the money raised will be going to help others. Scottish Book Trust will be putting all the money raised from book sales and swishes towards a programme that helps with reading and writing skills. Reading can help inspire creativity, it supports a sense of wellbeing and good mental health and can help provide vital skills to help children escape from the poverty circle.
Whatever you plan to do during Book Week Scotland make sure that you check out their website to see what fantastic events are being organised near you.