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20 Oct
You might not have heard of it before but November 7th, Hug a Bear Day, is a date you should certainly mark on your calendar each year if you have a soft spot for bears. We are of course referring to the soft cuddly Teddy bear variety rather than the type of bear you might find in a forest; we don’t recommend hugging them. So, stick the date in your diary, it’s an annual celebration which falls on the 7th November every year, and whether your favourite Teddy bear has been with you for more years than you care to remember, or is a brand-new purchase give him, or her, a great big hug, or two.
The History of the Teddy Bear
There is some archaeological evidence in existence that suggests that the concept of the stuffed animal can be traced back as far as the time of the Ancient Egyptians, this is pictorial in nature; no actual toys have been found. Of course, toy animals as we now know them didn’t really come into being until the 1830’s; these early soft toys would have been handmade from scraps of cloth and stuffed with straw. Germany began manufacturing stuffed animals in the 1880’s, with the foundation of Steiff Bears by Margarete Steiff. Margarete spent most of her younger years making different things through sewing, in 1880 her dream came true and Margarete when she marked the official date of foundation. Her first big-selling product was the “Elefäntle”, and as the years went on she created lots of new cuddly teddy bears and animals. Steiff teddies have now been around for 137 years and they are still managing to wow customers daily.
However, our soft fluffy friend the teddy bear is in fact a relatively new creation, he came into being in 1902. History tells us that the American President Theodore Roosevelt, who was known as Teddy, was out hunting when he came across a bear which he refused to kill. The incident became the topic of a political cartoon which was seen by a man called Morris Michtom who was inspired to create a small toy bear which he named Teddy. He sent the bear to the President and received permission to use the name Teddy to create future bears.
Since that day the Teddy bear has become one of the most popular toys; it is often one of the gifts given to new baby when relatives visit for the first time, or given for a child’s first Christmas; almost every child has at least one Teddy bear. Millions of Teddy bears are manufactured every single year, they come in just about every different colour and pattern imaginable and in every size from bears small enough to fit in the palm of your hand to ones that are roughly the size of an armchair. No matter what sort of Teddy bear you want in your life you are bound to be able to find the perfect cuddly companion.
The History of Hug a Bear Day
Despite much research on the subject very little is actually known about the history of this celebration. We don’t know when it was founded or indeed who decided to start this rather lovely tradition; perhaps it was started by a company who produce Teddy bears, or maybe just someone who loved their Teddy bear, who knows?
The significance of the date, if there is one, is also unknown but Hug a Bear day falls on the same date each year, regardless of what day it is; the 7th November.
How Can You Celebrate Hug a Bear Day?
It is thought that Hug a Bear Day might just have been created to promote a better understanding of the benefits of giving someone a hug. We love to be hugged, it gives us a real sense of warmth, comfort and of course makes us feel loved, yet we often shy away from contact with others. So, take the opportunity on Hug a Bear Day and don’t just hug your Teddy Bear, make sure you give a special hug to those important people in your life who you love as well.
You could plan a special day for your children and their Teddy bears with a Teddy bears picnic, of course November isn’t the best time of year to plan a picnic but you could always make it an indoor one, there are no rules that state you have to sit outdoors to enjoy a picnic; good food and good company are all you need and your children will love having a picnic with their special friends.
Of course, if you don’t have a bear then you should take this as an opportunity to get one, and if you do have a bear, or even a few, then you could always use it as an excuse to buy a few more. After all, can you ever really have enough Teddy bears? The problem is of course just which Teddy Bear will you pick to join your furry family.
Which Bear?
There are some really stunning bears on the market – and the Charlie Bears range has some that would make a fantastic start to a collection, or would be fantastic added to an existing one. If you are looking for a very traditional style Teddy Bear then Charlie Classics Remember could be the perfect bear for you. Standing 51 cm tall, this traditional jointed plush bear is the perfect first bear for any adult, he would also make a fantastic addition to any collection.
If you would prefer a smaller teddy, then this blossom bunny from Jellycat might just be the teddy for you, it is super soft and great as a collectable or for your little ones to cuddle up to at night.
Buying a first Teddy bear for a child can sometimes be difficult but there are many different brands that offer stunning bears that will make the perfect gift for a small child; Charlie Bears, Steiff, Jellycat, Ty UK. They all supply gorgeous soft bears and other animals.
If of course you can’t decide which bear is for you then why not buy all the bears? After all, can one person ever really have enough bears to hug?